COMMITTEES SC Security Council (101) Addressing the Ongoing Crisis in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (102) Global Cybersecurity Threats in Modern Warfare GA6 General Assembly VI : Legal (201) Addressing the impact of Artificial Intelligence on intellectual property (202) Promoting Equity and Inclusion: Transgender Participation in the Olympics ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (301) Addressing Food Insecurity and the Food Crisis by Strengthening Agricultural Development and Distribution (302) Establishing Universal Standards and Regulations to Combat Child Labor UNDP United Nations Development Programme (401) Addressing the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change on Developing Countries (402) Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization on LEDCs CSW Commission on the Status of Women (501) Promoting Women’s Empowerment and Leadership in Developing Economics (502) Strengthening social protection systems to reduce poverty and inequality CRISIS Historical Crisis Committee (601) The Space Race