Merchandising Team

Head of Merchandising - Leo Chu

Hello everyone, I am Leo Chu, a junior at KCISLK, and I am honored to serve as the Head of Merchandising at LINMUN V. Although it is my first time participating on the MUN team, I am looking forward to the journey in MUN. As part of the merchandise team, we have been working tirelessly, trying to create a successful and exciting experience for the participating delegates. Our team has prepared mementos for the delegates, chairs, and all members participating in LINMUN V as a commemoration of the conference. We hope everyone engaging in LINMUN V will enjoy their experience and create unique and remarkable memories.

Head of Merchendising - Nathan Kuo

Greetings to all of you.
My name is Nathan Kuo, and I am a junior at KCISLK. It is a pleasure to be serving as the Head of Merchandising in LINMUN V. Despite the fact that this is my first year on the MUN team, I am excited for the adventure that lies ahead. We have been putting in a lot of effort as the swag team since I became a DSG to make sure that every delegate who is participating has a great time and memory. To remember the conference, our team has created some unique complimentary gifts for the chairs, delegates, and all participants in LINMUN V. We sincerely hope that everyone taking part in LINMUN V will find the event enjoyable and leave with a special memento.

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