Administrative Team

Administration Coordinator - Melody Kang
Hi everyone! Welcome to LINMUN V! I’m Melody Kang, a current sophomore from KCISLK, and it’s my pleasure to serve as your Administration Coordinator this year. I was inspired to join the MUN world and start as a delegate myself this year, never imagining I would eventually take part in organizing a conference. Having been to only two conferences as a delegate, I have learned a lot from all the MUNers who supported me throughout the year. I hope you have the same experience as I have at this conference. As part of our team, I am dedicated to ensuring that LINMUN runs smoothly and efficiently, providing participants with an enriching experience. I hope you all enjoy a fruitful debate and an unforgettable MUN experience.

Administration Coordinator - Ellie Cheng
Greetings and welcome to LINMUN V! My name is Ellie Cheng and I am honored to serve as an Administration Coordinator for this year’s conference. Currently, I am a sophomore at KCISLK, and I started my MUN journey earlier this year. However, in this short time, MUN has already taught me much about teamwork, leadership, and the importance of global perspectives. For this conference, I have transitioned from being a delegate to taking on an administrative role for the first time, and I am eager to contribute in this new capacity. I am dedicated to ensuring the event operates smoothly, allowing all delegates to engage fully in meaningful discussions and debates. Thank you for participating in LINMUN V, and I look forward to making this conference a rewarding and memorable experience for all!