United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

President: William Kang

Hello delegates! 

         My name is William Kang, and it is my utmost pleasure to be serving as your United Nations Development Programme President for LINMUN V. I am currently a senior from Kang Chiao International School Linkou Campus (KCISLK). This is my tenth conference and my second time chairing, and I will be specializing on issue 401, addressing the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change on Developing Countries.

          Ever since I started my MUN journey in my freshman year, I began to enjoy the intense thinking and debate process. Most importantly, I learned how to negotiate with different people in regards to different perspectives in order to reach a balanced solution between different ideas and thinking. MUN conferences have not only been unforgettable experiences, but they made me think from a more diverse perspective, changing my thinking and evaluating events in my surrounding environment. Because of MUN experiences, I learned how to connect the events happening around me with a larger context of globalization, so I understand how all small actions can possibly make a difference in the society. While I think that MUN is an extraordinary chance for seeking out global solutions in modern society, I would also like to urge delegates to constantly consider the connections between all problems and solutions discussed in the conference with the people and events surrounding our life and what actions can we take either now or in the future to make changes. As a Chair, I will always do my best to assist all delegates during and prior to the conference, so don’t feel too pressured! Aside from MUN, I also enjoy rock climbing, watching anime, and traveling during my spare time. Let’s enjoy our time together at LINMUN V; I can’t wait to see you all in February!

Deputy President: Tyrone Chuan

Hello Delegates! 

My name is Tyrone, and I am honored to serve as a co-chair for UNDP. I am currently a freshman from Kang Chiao International School Linkou campus.

I have been actively involved in Model United Nations for a little under a year, participating in multiple conferences as a delegate, such as Thimun Singapore and Dismun. Through my past experience, I have gained valuable insights into diplomacy, research, and leadership, all of which I look forward to sharing with you during this conference, as this is my first time chairing.

I will be mainly responsible for issue 402, Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization on LEDCs.

As your chair, my goal is to provide you with a productive, inclusive, and engaging committee session where every delegate feels empowered to share and debate on their perspectives. Whether you are an already seasoned delegate or new to MUN, I highly encourage you to embrace this opportunity to grow, challenge yourself, and learn from one another.

Feel free to approach me or the LINMUN team with any questions or concerns during the conference. I am excited to see the debates unfold and the resolutions you form.

Thank you, and I wish you all the best!

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