General Assembly VI: Legal (GA6)

Chair: Max Cheng
Greetings, delegates! My name is Max Cheng and I am a sophomore at Taipei American School. It is my utmost honor to serve as your Head Chair for General Assembly 6 in LINMUN V.
Never would I have imagined that after being pushed by my parents to join MUN as a press team member in 6th grade, I would confidently say that MUN has become a true passion of mine. Well, here I am. To newer delegates, you will never have another experience like a MUN committee session. Hours fly by, the debate gets you heated up, and you will consistently develop your argumentation and leadership skills throughout the conference. Thus, make your presence known, whether it is a POI, a speech, or an amendment! To all delegates, I greatly encourage you to research and understand the inner workings of GA6 questions thoroughly and how they connect to this year’s theme: Innovative Solutions for Humanity. If the first day of debate does not go as planned, you will always have another chance on the second day, when you become familiar with fellow delegates and chairs. At the same time, I strive to inspire you all to have a resounding voice and strong leadership during sessions. Aside from being a MUN enthusiast, I also play tennis, practice 3D modeling, and more, so if delegates wish to converse with me about these activities, feel free to do so! That said, I look forward to seeing you all in February!

Co-Chair: Shaine Liu
Welcome to General Assembly VI: Legal of LINMUN V!
My name is Shaine Liu, and it is my utmost honor to serve as the co-chair for General Assembly VI: Legal. I am currently a freshman (9th grade) at Kang Chiao International School Linkou Campus (KCISLK). LINMUN V would be my 4th conference and my first time chairing.
I am the expert chair on Issue [202]: Promoting Equity and Inclusion: Transgender Participation in the Olympics. I believe every delegate would be able to work together to construct a resolution that successfully tackles the contemporary issue to promote inclusion and fairness within the Olympics.
Formerly, I have attended STMUN XV, TASMUN XV, and THIMUN SINGAPORE 2024 as a delegate. Through these conferences, I began understanding the joy of debating and understanding different perspectives. I also enjoyed working together with other delegates to find a solution for global issues affecting the current society, raising awareness of the global issues around us. Moreover, MUN is also about meeting new people and making memories. I believe you all can make many wonderful memories through this conference. As your co-chair for LINMUN V, I wish to bring you a memorable MUN experience.
If you have any questions regarding Issue [202], feel free to email me at I am looking forward to seeing you all at the conference.