Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

President: Annabelle Hsu

Greetings to all delegates! 

I am Annabelle Hsu, a junior from Hsinchu International Academy, and it is my honor to serve as your President for the Economic and Social Council in the upcoming LINMUN V. 

My MUN journey began in middle school while I was studying in China, and it has been a significant part of my life ever since. I still remember vividly when I first attended a MUN conference. The unfamiliarity with new procedures and the dynamic of the debate room left me nervous and tumbled. But at the same time, this brand new and unique experience made me fall in love with it ever since. My MUN experiences pushes me out of my comfort zone, makes me knowledgeable about the world’s pressing issues, and challenges me to think all roundly. Beyond MUN, I love diving all around the world, cycling with friends. If you find yourself having similar hobbies with me, reach out to me and we can talk more about it!  

If you have any concerns or need help drafting resolutions, don’t hesitate to contact me! My instagram box (@1an_011) and email ( will always be open for you. I understand how challenging it can be for delegates to speak up and express themselves, as I have faced the same struggles not long ago. As your President, I am committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages all delegates to engage and participate fully.

I hope that LINMUN V will be a memorable and enjoyable conference for everyone. 

With that, my deputy president, Darren Lee, and I, wholeheartedly look forward to seeing you all soon!

Deputy President: Darren Lee

Greetings esteemed delegates,

It is an absolute honor to introduce myself as your deputy president for the Economic and Social Council in the upcoming LINMUN V. My name is Darren Lee and I am currently a freshman at Kang Chiao International School, Linkou campus. 

I first embarked on my MUN journey in middle school and have attended numerous conferences, during which I developed public speaking and debate skills. During my first conference I was overwhelmed with the complicated procedures of MUN and the insecurity felt with each speech. Despite my initial reluctance toward public speaking, I pushed myself to step up and onto the stand to share my ideas. The conferences I attended have shaped my understanding of diplomacy, collaboration and the importance of debate. This is will be my first time stepping into a leadership role as a deputy president, and I am thrilled at the opportunity to help facilitate debate. Outside of MUN, I enjoy playing badminton and baking. If you find yourself having the same hobbies, feel free to reach out. 

I understand how difficult it can be for delegates to speak up and express their ideas as I have experienced the same. As your deputy president,  I am committed to creating an environment where every delegate feels empowered to contribute meaningfully to our debates.  

If you have any questions regarding the conference please don’t hesitate to contact me. My instagram (@darrenleieie) and my email ( will always be open for questions. 

I look forward to witnessing your passion, diplomacy and hope LINMUN V will be a memorable and impactful conference for everyone. With that, both the president, Annabelle Hsu, and I wholeheartedly look forward to seeing you all.

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