Historical Crisis Committee (Crisis)

President: Ayden Chin

Howdy Y’all, my name is Ayden Chin, a junior from Taipei American School (TAS) and I have the wonderful opportunity of serving as y’alls President of Crisis for LINMUN V. 

            This will mark my ninth conference, with conferences across Taiwan, to Manila, nearly half of them serving as a Crisis delegate, director, or chair. I started MUN in eighth grade with no clue about what it was, or the outside world in general. MUN has allowed me to learn so much about the complexities of the world, while also meeting some of my closest friends and mentors. I think MUN is one of the most powerful opportunities we are offered to expand and grow our horizons and speaking abilities. 

             Crisis specifically is a fast paced committee that can be both the most challenging, and most rewarding thing at the same time. Debate may get intense at times but remember the goal is collaboration, and theme innovative solutions for humanity. Be creative, and have fun. Hope y’all can keep up! Outside of MUN I am big on music, singing, weightlifting, and cycling. You can catch me singing along to Keshi, Beabadoobee, or Lyn Lapid while biking the rivers of Taipei. 

             I am also chronically online… So shoot me an email at 26aydenc@students.tas.tw for any questions. Excited to meet y’all soon and looking forward to a wonderful conference.

Deputy President: Dennis Hsieh

Greetings delegates!

              I’m Dennis, a Junior from Kang Chiao International School Linkou Campus, and it is my utmost honor to serve as your Deputy President for the Historical Crisis Committee. Before moving to Taiwan three months ago, I was primarily involved in MUN conferences in Hong Kong where I procured most of my MUN experiences.

            In the Historical Crisis Committee, delegates will debate their way through controversies and competition prescribed during the Space Race, and produce a finalized version of history to secure greater prosperity for the world. The issue of the Space Race is especially intriguing, as it produced some of the most defining moments in the history of humanity. Not only did the race represent an era of curiosity and ambition, but it also fostered the pioneering spirit that drove the world toward grander achievements.

              In the Historical Crisis Committee, delegates will debate their way through controversies and competition, and produce a finalized version of history to secure greater peace and prosperity for the world. In the process, delegates will make new friends as they collaborate with others, eventually fostering greater connectivity and communication skills. 

              As the Historical Crisis Committee is a debate-intensive committee, some may view this as daunting; however, I strongly encourage all delegates to constantly strive to push beyond their boundaries as the conference presents a perfect opportunity for all delegates (regardless of their experience) to train their debate skills. With that, I look forward to meeting you all in February!

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